Taxi for company clients

Company transport is a taxi service of Taxi 1 Plovdiv, in which the rates, roures, milege and the price are negotiated in advance.
This type of taxi service is also called a fee-based charter.
The manager of the company or qualified person negotiates the tarrifs and destinations for the stuff and corporate clients for a period of time. Becaose of the often courses its negotiated a reduction of the prices, which goes to saving company funds.
If you are the manager of a firm and the activities of you and your stuff need a non-stop movement in or out of town, you probably are thinking of purchasing of a firm car. For the big business this is part of the politics of the company, but for the mid and small business thissometimes is unreachable. The other ways is to use a public transportations but it takes a lot of time and its not working 24hrs of the day. The best way in cases like this is using a taxi for set destinations. Fast in time, secure and comfortable.
Firm transport with taxi in Plovdiv
Our most loyal clients for business transport are the restaurants and bars in city of Plovdiv. The late shifts and hours are an inconvenience for the staff and especially for the female staff. To all the owners we offer a reduction in prices for taxi servicesand a safe drive home to the staff.